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[NEWSLETTER] April 2017 - Boat Party, Julie GAFFURI, ...






April 2017

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A boat cruise on the Seine River, discover Paris by night!

Looking for a moment in your calendar to meet up with your IÉSEG classmates? No more excuses this time, you have more than 2 months to organize yourself and come to party like in the good old days! IÉSEG Network is planning an unforgettable evening for you on a wonderful boat located in front of the Eiffel Tower, on Friday, June 23, from 8 pm! The program: a cocktail party, a 2-hour cruise on the Seine River, followed by a party! What are you waiting for to get on board? To make a success of this night, we expect to see many of you!

Come and share your experience with the students!

You know how important it is for our students to benefit from the experience of their elders... And it is often very complementary to what they learn in class...! Then come and share your experience, your career, or your knowledge with our youngsters by speaking in Corporate Talks (business conferences, Tuesday evening at 7 pm) or in the courses. We added a field to your profile: "Motivated to take part in IÉSEG". Check it out and we'll contact you as soon as we need speakers in your field! And even if you are not geographically close to our campuses in Lille or in Paris, we will soon launch web conferences for students to learn about other graduates’ professional background. No excuse, even from abroad you will be able to have your say.

Go to your profile

[PORTRAIT] Julie Gaffuri - A 100% experience in Communications agencies

This month, we invite you to take a look at the portrait of Julie Gaffuri (IÉSEG 2009). After two international experiences during her years of study, Julie decided to focus her career around communication and more specifically in working for Communications agencies, in Paris then in Lyon.

Discover her portrait

[IÉSEG] Last chance to be a jury member for the IÉSEG oral exams!

Remember, when you were just 18 years old and you passed the IÉSEG oral exams. Would you like to move to the other side of the fence and become a jury member? Now is the time! Registration is open until April 20, 2017, and the oral exams will take place this year from May 10 to May 20 at the Lille campus. Many graduates take the opportunity to meet at the lunch offered by IÉSEG at noon. Likewise, you can make the most of the newly created clubs to propose a date to your IÉSEG classmates by clicking here.

Further info & registration

[IÉSEG] Fundraising: The Challenge is on!

Which graduate class will win a room with its name in the new Parisian building? It is up to you to play and gather with your old classmates to support the project JUMP! You have until April 30 to make it happen! You can go for your academic year at heart or for your official year of graduation (do not forget to specify the year you want when you fill out the donation form), and try to win the challenge! Get involved here! The class with the strongest percentage of participants will win, whatever the amount of donations is.


[ACTU CARRIERE] Do you know the short-term volunteer assignment?

Are you interested in international solidarity missions? The association "Planète Urgence", from SOS group whom Nicolas Messio (IÉSEG 2003) is a board member, invites you to participate to a short-term volunteer assignment during your holidays. Each mission responds to a need expressed by a partner in a developing country. The sought skills are diverse and varied (IT, HR, accounting...) and revolve around 3 themes: reinforcement of adult skills, mission of socio-educational support for children and mission to support environmental projects. This may involve individuals as well as companies which can cover the assignment's costs. Indeed, the interest for a company is to be able to "incarnate" the CSR strategy and thus allow its employees to feel they are real actors and useful to a project of general interest. Want to learn more about it? Contact Muriel Roy, Director of Partnerships.

Further info

[FOCUS ENTREPRENEUR] Merito, crowdsourced recruitment

MERITO is a web platform, launched by Pierre MAURY (last year IÉSEG student), which makes it possible to simplify the recruitment of staff in store as well as to help students find a job at their favorite brands’ stores. And all that with no agency, no recruitment consultancy and no interview!
Their concept: a community of candidates recommended by their previous managers or by co-option in order to introduce them instantly to store managers as soon as need be. To do so, Merito has developed an algorithm which obtains a perfect match between a profile and a brand.

To find out more...




[CONFERENCE] Basic (universal) income: toward a free and fair society? - Lille




Discover ATOS Headquarters, sponsor of the class of 2016 - Paris




V.I.E: Meeting with "CIVIWEB"! - Paris




[NETWORKING] City tour of the "Vieux Lille" - Lille




[NETWORKING] Rodin Exhibition - Grand Palais, Paris






NATHAN February 19, 2017 - Valérie ALBANEL (IÉSEG 2006) & David SCHAJER

CLÉOPHÉE February 24, 2017 - Blandine CHALLE & Julien GILLOT (IÉSEG 2003)

MAXINE March 21, 2017 - Claire DELABRE (IÉSEG 2007) & Olivier DELENCLOS (IÉSEG 2005)

MATHILDE & JOSEPH born July 7, 2008 & March 11, 2010 in Haïti enlarged Carole BAUVIN (IÉSEG 1994) & Eric VALENGIN's family


Laure DERÉJAC (IÉSEG 2005) & Bertrand LESAIN - May 20, 2017


Director IÉSEG Network

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Alumni Projects Officer

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