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[NEWSLETTER] July 2023 - A night at the Grévin Museum!




How about joining us on Thursday, October 5, for a sensational night at the Grévin Museum? The IÉSEG Network team invites you, for this new edition of the famous IÉSEG Alumni Forever evening, to discover this renowned museum as you've probably never seen it before. On this occasion, the museum has been privatized to let you enjoy it as you wish. Musicians, actors, athletes, and so many others, the choice will be yours to select who you will be taking your selfie with.
Registration is now open, so book your place for this evening, which will mix friendly time with a touch of imagination and fantastic.


Alexandre Vix - Dream big and give yourself the means to achieve your ambitions

From his master's degree in finance to his professional career, through experiences in four corners of the globe and his implication in diverse associations, Alexandre (Grande École 2017) shows us how IÉSEG has been a school of life for him. Beyond the technical skills acquired during his courses, he explains the richness of his career path and the diversity taught during these five years. Having recently returned from a 10-month bicycle trip around the world, his experience will not leave you indifferent... Happy reading!


Sand to Green - Turning deserts into oases

Every year, 13 million hectares of arable land are lost to desertification - that's one soccer pitch every two to three seconds. Of course, we immediately think of Africa, but desertification is increasingly affecting Europe. For example, 65% of Spain, Europe's breadbasket, is threatened by this scourge, and to combat it, only nature-based solutions are possible... but they still need to be made profitable. The idea for Sand to Green was born of this observation and the collaboration between Benjamin Rombaut (Grande École 2015), Gautier de Carcouët and Wissal Ben Moussa, three visionary entrepreneurs.


Embark on a journey in which you are the hero!

Summer rhymes with travel, doesn't it? This year, we invite you to embark on a journey unlike any other: the Hero's Journey! Inspired by the work of Joseph Campbell, the Hero's Journey is a concept that highlights an archetypal narrative structure that can be applied to different areas of life, including career management! We invite you to explore the different stages of the Hero's Journey, to help you navigate your career path effectively. It's a journey that could perhaps lead you to: take a step back from your current situation, question your job satisfaction or explore new professional possibilities...


The cave of... IÉSEG Network

Have you attended an event in our network where some photos were taken and you'd like to find them again? You registered for a webinar, but were unable to attend? Looking for a back issue of IÉS!, your network's magazine? Good news, it's all in one place: the Media Center, accessible from the IÉSEG Network website! Find all of this and more by logging into your account.


And of 54!

On Saturday, June 10, IÉSEG organized its traditional graduation ceremony for the students of the Grande École Program. With 1,131 alumni, this 54th promotion is the largest ever celebrated by the School! Sponsored by Amélie VIDAL-SIMI, President of Mondelēz International in France, this event was an opportunity to honour IÉSEG students who particularly stood out during their studies, with the Dean’s List call, and also through testimonials of students who have particularly been involved in some of the School’s major topics, like business, associative life, CSR and entrepreneurship.


Invest in the future by training tomorrow's talent

The apprenticeship tax collection campaign was launched several weeks ago. This tax enables IÉSEG to guarantee students access to high-quality training. It enables us to finance cutting-edge teaching equipment, as well as the development of tools essential to the professional integration of our students. You still have a few days to visit Soltéa, choose IÉSEG, and support the training of responsible, innovative, and humanistic future leaders. You can find all the information and latest news about the apprenticeship tax on the dedicated pages of IÉSEG's website.

Saturday, July 8

[INTERNATIONAL CLUB] Get together @ The Piano - Chennai

Monday, July 24

[WORKSHOP] Draw me a tree… (in English) - Online

Monday, July 31

[MODULES] Le Wagon: Develop your web skills August session - Online

Tuesday, September 12

[WEBINAR] Introduction to LinkedIn Learning - Online

Monday, September 18

[WORKSHOP] Draw me a tree… - Online

Tuesday, September 19

[WEBINAR] Introduction to LinkedIn Learning (in English) - Online

Saturday, September 23

[BIRTHDAY'S CLASS] Grande École 1998: A quarter of a century is worth celebrating! - Lille

Tuesday, September 26

[WORKSHOP] Would you like to plan your "job-out"? - Lille

Wednesday, September 27

[WORKSHOP] CAP 361° Manage your career, Special day for Young Graduate - Lille

Monday, October 2

[WORKSHOP] Over the peaks and the valleys... - Online

Thursday, October 5

[IÉSEG ALUMNI FOREVER] Grévin Museum: Enter the world of your dream stars! - Paris

Wednesday, October 18

[WORKSHOP] Would you like to plan your "job-out"? - Paris





Thursday, October 19

[WORKSHOP] Discovering the Pecha Kucha™ - Online




LÉONIE November 28, 2022 - Chiung-Fang & Grégory Dunon (EMBA 2020)

ANTOINE June 8, 2023 - Marie-Madeleine & Adrien Peneranda (Grande École 2009)


Caroline Gentil & Pierre Piron (both Grande École 2020) - June 24, 2023

Share with the network your wedding or a birth in your family and you will receive a gift!













Alumni Projects Officer


Career Manager & Executive Coach


Alumni Projects Officer


Grande École 2008


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