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[NEWSLETTER] March 2022 - Climate Fresco by the IÉSEG for Change club!




As part of the CSR Day organised by IÉSEG on Tuesday, March 15, the IÉSEG for Change club is inviting you to take part in its first face-to-face event, during the evening, at 7 pm. The Climate Fresco workshop is being organised on the Paris campus, followed by a chance to get together over closing cocktail. This workshop is an engaging activity, based on collective knowledge, creativity and lots of fun to help participants better understand the causes and mechanisms of climate change so they can swing into action. Use this day, which signals IÉSEG's desire to get involved with socio-ecological issues, to meet up with one another and chat while taking part in a workshop aimed at novices and experts alike.


Sandra Blandin - A clear path to digital

Discover this month the profile of Sandra Blandin (Grande École 2019). Specializing in Marketing at IÉSEG, Sandra has had various experiences in digital, which has allowed her to discover the world of e-commerce. Today, she works for the Health division of Nestlé as a Digital & E-Commerce Project Manager. Discover without delay her career path and the challenges she faces daily.


Dans Les Pas d’Alexandre – Virtual Tours: Adventure at your fingertips

Dans Les Pas d’Alexandre gives managers of care homes and sheltered housing, but also companies and charities, a chance to take their residents or employees on a virtual world tour with films made by long-distance travel enthusiast Alexandre Gandon (Grand École 2016). The aim of these immersions is to fight against disability and conditions such as memory loss issue, boredom, depression, apathy, isolation... It’s a way of improving mental well-being and social connections through virtual travel and real life meetings.


New ‘Executive Mastère Spécialisé®’ - Transformation and Human Development Management

In a more and more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, it is essential for companies that their leaders and managers develop new human skills and an agile posture to drive permanent change and deliver sustainable performance. To meet this need expressed by many companies, IÉSEG has decided to launch a new ‘Executive Mastère Spécialisé®’ in Transformation and Human Development Management for the next academic year.


Webinar - How to best negotiate the termination of your employment contract?

The saying goes: "a bad agreement is better than a good trial" but why not negotiate a good agreement? Whether you are being pushed towards the exit, caught up in a desire to go elsewhere, dismissed, looking for meaning or offered a conventional rupture, negotiating your departure well is essential. At a time of restructuring and mobility, everyone is or will be affected by this situation one day or another. Are there any recipes? Any keys? A lawyer specialized in departure negotiations will answer all your questions, on Wednesday, March 30, at 12:30 pm.


Magic Box Coaching: Let the magic happen!

Do you have a problem to solve? Are you struggling to move forward in a situation or thinking about starting a project but not sure where to start? Booking yourself a Magic Box coaching session could definitely help! This innovative and creative coaching method allows you to quickly tap into your inner resources and in doing so come up with solutions outside the scope of your field of consciousness! Would you like to give it a try?


What there is to know about the operational risk & compliance certificate

For a few years now, risk and compliance management take a strategic position for the financial services industry. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) established mandatory capital requirements for compliance and operational risk in 2001. These practices have become more sophisticated and detailed between their first publication in 2003 and the most recent update in March 2021. This program of five days from May 9 to 13, will allow you to have a better visibility and understanding of international regulations and best practices in compliance and operational risk management. It will allow you to make the best decisions to manage compliance and operational risks within your financial institution.

Tuesday, March 8

[INTERNATIONAL CLUB] Afterwork @ De Tulp - Amsterdam

Thursday, March 10

[WORKSHOP] Discovery of Pecha Kucha - Online

Thursday, March 10

[PGP Alumni Spotlight] Fashion Management - Online

Monday, March 14

IÉSEG Network's Annual General Assembly - Paris & online

Tuesday, March 15

[PGP Alumni Spotlight] International Accounting Audit & Control - Online

Tuesday, March 15

[IÉSEG for Change Club] Workshop: Climate Fresco - Paris

Tuesday, March 15

[IÉSEG CONFERENCE] New forms of business serving society and the environment: idealism or sustainable models? - Paris & online

Wednesday, March 16

[IÉSEG CONFERENCE] Corporate Career Management for LGBT+ Managers: Assessing the Interest - Paris & online

Wednesday, March 16

[PGP Alumni Spotlight] Digital Marketing & CRM - Online

Wednesday, March 16

[IÉSEG WEBINAR] Discovering GDEIB: Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Benchmark - Online

Thursday, March 17

[IÉSEG] Career Day - Online

Thursday, March 17

[IÉSEG CONFERENCE] Ocean and Climate Change Masterclass @ IÉSEG X Surfrider Europe - Lille & online

Thursday, March 17

[IÉSEG] ICIE WEEK Round Table: Migration and Mobility - Online

Tuesday, March 22

[WORKSHOP] CAPE 361° - Manage your career (Special day for young graduates) - Paris

Monday, March 28

[WORKSHOP] Questionnaire MBTI: Have a better understanding of yourself & develop your potential - Paris

Tuesday, March 29

[WORKSHOP] Trilogy: Develop your personal & relational impact through the NLP - Paris

Wednesday, March 30

[WEBINAR] How to best negotiate the termination of your employment contract? - Online

Thursday, March 31

[MODULES] Le Wagon: Develop your web skills April session - Online

From April

[LIFELONG LEARNING] Back to IÉSEG > Master electifs - Lille & Paris

From April 20

[IÉSEG] Become a jury member at the IÉSEG oral exams - Lille, Paris & online

June 24 & 25

[LIFELONG LEARNING] Back to IÉSEG > E-MBA classes - Paris


LÉONARD January 28, 2022 - Tiphaine BARTHEL - MAYOLLE (Grande École 2014) & Hugues MAYOLLE

Share with the network your wedding or a birth in your family and you will receive a gift!




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