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[NEWSLETTER] October 2017 - New IÉSEG Network career offer, Grégoire Ulm, ...





October 2017

My profile Memberships Directory
Version française
Your professional needs – Our career offer

As a IÉSEG alumni association, we want to address your needs the best way we can, whatever they may be! Hence, we have developed a new career offer for you, which is specific to each stage of your professional career. The 4 packs - young graduates, advanced graduates, experienced graduates or international graduates – offer tailored services, whether you are looking for a job, still thinking about your professional project or wanting to acquire or broaden your knowledge on a particular topic. Face-to-face or remotely, individually or in groups, those services have been tailored and developed for you as to guide you in your career.
Discover now the whole IÉSEG Network career offer.

A network, some contacts but mostly exchanges!

Who among you has never used the alumni directory? Whether you are looking for an internship, a job, professional contacts or simply getting back in touch with class mates, many of you find it useful. When you contact IÉSEG alumni, you are happy when you get their reply or when you spend 15’ with them on the phone talking about their best practice and experiences.
Now, picture yourself on the other side, you are contacted by students or graduates. You can provide them help and advice with regard to their issue. Some of you may be overwhelmed by requests and cannot reply to everyone. However, the strength of a network is based on its exchanges and the interactions between its members. The network is important, keep it alive!

Online Directory

[PORTRAIT] Grégoire Ulm, IÉSEG and openness to the world!

Graduated in 2009, Grégoire ULM’s IÉSEG years were marked by the famous school cheerfulness, combined with many and varied international exchanges. Today, he works for Sodexo in Singapore, where he is in charge of strategic planning in the Asia Pacific region.

Discover his portrait

[IÉSEG] Bruno de Fougeroux, Vice-President Global Sales at Danone, Sponsor of the 2017 graduating class

The next class of Graduates for the Grande Ecole Programme and the Post-Graduates Programmes will be sponsored by Danone, represented by Bruno de Fougeroux (IÉSEG 1998), Vice-President Global sales. Focused on international expansion with a presence in over 130 countries and more than 100 000 employees, Danone’s mission is to bring health through food to as many people as possible. During this one-year-sponsorship, Danone will be regularly present on both campuses and will actively participate in various events dedicated to students and alumni (corporate talks, recruitment fairs, guest speaker during classes, career forums, business visits). The graduation ceremony which will take place on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at La Défense (Espace ViParis) will close this great year of partnership.

Discover Bruno's interview

[IÉSEG] You like photography?

Either professional, keen on photography or just amateur, IÉSEG invites you to take part in its photo contest. The theme of the contest is the acronym A.R.I.S.E. (Accomplishment, Responsibility, Integrity, Solidarity and Engagement), which are the values that emerged from the VISION process. Even though the entire community share these values, the school would like to know what it really means for each of you. The contest will officially be launched on October 16, with access to the website on which you’ll be able to submit your vision of one of these values. The 5 best pictures per value will be first exhibited during the opening of the new Parisian building “La promenade de l’Arche”, and then displayed in the buildings of our two campuses. Enter the contest and try to win a lunch with Jean-Philippe AMMEUX and many gift boxes.
Deadline to download your photos: November 16, 2017.

Further info

IÉSEG Network's ressources at your disposal!

You have ongoing projects that may be of interest to the network? IÉSEG Network can help you! Whatever type of projects you may have, whether associative, professional or personal, we would be pleased to help you if needed. You’re looking for someone with specific skills? You could find someone through the network! You just launched your project but lack visibility? Remember that the network has 7 063 alumni and keeps expanding! Then what are your waiting for?

Contact us

[FOCUS ENTREPRENEUR] Agricool, between childhood memory and the urge to “do better”!

The journey began in 2015 with Guillaume Fourdinier (IÉSEG 2010) and Gonzague Gru. Their idea: “enabling everyone to buy better and healthier fruits and vegetables”. They came up with that idea when they realized that many people could not reach quality products. As they are both sons of farmers, this was an important issue for them. Discover now the video portrait of Guillaume Fourdinier and the story of Agricool, from the beginning until today.

Agricool in video




[INTERNATIONAL CLUB] Brewery tour & beer tasting at "Temple Brew House" - London




[INTERNATIONAL CLUB] Afterwork @ Luxembourg




[WORKSHOP] Sophrology, Stress & Emotions - Paris




[WORKSHOP] Springboard Job Search (2010 to 2017 class) - Lille




[NETWORKING] GAUGUIN Exhibition - Grand Palais, Paris




[WORKSHOP] Sophrology, Stress & Emotions - Lille


MARIN June 20, 2017 - Louise GASCOIN (IÉSEG 2013) & Quentin POIGNANT (IÉSEG 2013)

Share with the network your wedding or a birth in your family




Alumni Projects Officer


Alumni Projects Officer


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