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[CAREER NEWS] Eutrapelia or how to sprinkle your life with confetti!

Career News




Eutrapelia or how to sprinkle your life with confetti!

We don't spontaneously think of associating virtues like eutrapelia with the corporate world. The concept may seem far removed from the goal-oriented, efficiency-driven work environment. Yet, just as a handful of confetti brings a touch of gaiety and surprise to an event, eutrapelia, the virtue of relaxation and humor, has the power to energize the atmosphere at work! Like mischievousness, which is now being rediscovered as essential to innovation and creativity, eutrapelia also has many other advantages...

In today's fast-moving and unpredictable business landscape, organizations recognize the need for adaptability, creative thinking and strong interpersonal relationships. Eutrapelia offers a way to meet these challenges by promoting a balance between seriousness and lightness, encouraging collaboration while nurturing a sense of joy at work.


What is eutrapelia?

From the Greek eutrapelia, eutrapelia literally means "good looks".

In the dictionary, it is defined as "an ability to joke with wit and finesse; talent for repartee."

Aristotle spoke of it as the "right turn" of words and deeds to achieve a good. It generates a form of enthusiasm, the simple joy of being together and relaxing after an effort or mission accomplished. 

In the end, the person who spoke most highly of it was Saint Thomas Aquinas, who defined it as follows: 

Eutrapelia consists of "those words and actions in which we seek the pleasure of the mind, and which are called entertainment or recreation, play, jokes. It is necessary to use them from time to time to give the mind a certain rest. Just as man needs physical rest to replenish the strength of his body, which cannot work continuously because its power is limited, so too does the mind, whose power is also limited. Rest for the mind is pleasure. That's why we must remedy the fatigue of the mind by allowing ourselves some pleasure. Man's mind would break if he never relaxed from his application.


Why do we need eutrapelia at work?

At its core, eutrapelia is about knowing when to engage in serious discussion and when to show levity, humor and camaraderie. It's about maintaining a dynamic, adaptive approach to social interactions. At work, this balance is essential, especially in environments where high demands can lead to stress, burnout or rigid thinking.

The ability to move from the serious to the playful fosters a culture where creativity can flourish and teams can bond over shared experiences. Combining intellectual engagement with a dash of humor creates more meaningful connections and, ultimately, a more dynamic workplace.

What's more, in the long term, eutrapelia can help us cultivate the mental flexibility we need to thrive in ever-changing industries. This balance between focus and lightness keeps us engaged, reduces tension at work and encourages creative problem-solving - invaluable qualities for longevity and job satisfaction.


What are the benefits of eutrapelia at work? 

To understand how eutrapelia can improve our relationships at work, let's explore its virtues through three key dimensions: adaptability, creativity and social bonding.

  • Adaptability

Eutrapelia encourages people to adapt their tone, attitude and conversational style to suit the situation. In a professional context, the ability to adapt is crucial. Leaders, executives and employees alike face complex challenges, often navigating uncertainty with different teams and dealing with unforeseen circumstances. This requires the mental dexterity to move quickly from seriousness to a lighter, more collaborative approach.

For example, during a tense meeting with peers, eutrapelia can defuse stress and create an environment in which stakeholders feel comfortable expressing their concerns or suggestions without feeling overwhelmed. It's not about making light of serious situations, but rather about using friendliness and humor to encourage openness. Over time, this ability to adapt makes teams more resilient and better equipped to deal with uncertainty, which ultimately promotes long-term success.


  • Creativity

A playful, light-hearted approach to work, close to Aristotle's notion of eutrapelia, creates space for innovation. The pressure to be constantly productive can stifle creativity, but when people feel free to engage in spontaneous, playful conversation, they're more likely to stumble across new ideas. As Aristotle pointed out, too much seriousness is as harmful as too much frivolity. Finding this balance is essential to unleashing creativity.

Take, for example, Google's famous "20% time", where employees are encouraged to work on their "side-projects" outside their core job responsibilities. This flexible, open structure reflects the spirit of eutrapelia, encouraging a shift from goal-oriented work to playful exploration. It's during these lighter moments, when the pressure is off, that some of the most innovative ideas can emerge. Over the course of a career, adopting this mindset can lead to a much richer and more creative career path.

  • Social link

Eutrapelia plays a crucial role in building strong, authentic relationships at work. It's easy to look at colleagues solely in terms of tasks and responsibilities, but the human side of work - the shared laughter, casual conversations and sense of camaraderie - can often be the glue that holds teams together. Eutrapelia encourages this pleasant, timely humor, which fosters social bonding and mutual trust.

Imagine a workplace where every interaction is strictly formal and professional. While this may seem effective in the short term, it can stifle communication, hinder collaboration and create an atmosphere of detachment. A well-placed touch of humor or a light-hearted comment can transform a tense meeting into a more open dialogue, where people feel comfortable sharing their ideas. This deeper social bond not only improves teamwork, but also makes working conditions more pleasant.


How can you cultivate eutrapelia at work?

Eutrapelia may seem an abstract philosophical concept, but there are practical ways of cultivating this virtue in the workplace.

  1. Create a culture of openness: encourage a working environment where people feel comfortable sharing their ideas, whether serious or humorous. Managers need to set the tone by balancing professionalism and accessibility, showing that it's okay to incorporate moments of levity into the workplace.
  2. Encourage playful problem-solving: structured brainstorming sessions often produce limited results. Instead, introduce informal, playful problem-solving discussions, during which participants can explore unconventional ideas without being judged. This approach reduces the fear of failure and leads to more creative solutions.
  3. Practice self-awareness: eutrapelia requires the ability to observe and recognize the right moment to shift from serious to light-hearted communication. Encourage employees to develop self-awareness in their interactions, helping them to find the right balance between concentration and lightness.
  4. Encouraging team cohesion through humor: humor is a powerful tool for breaking down barriers and fostering bonds. While it's important to remain professional, don't hesitate to create opportunities for teams to share laughter and strengthen interpersonal bonds.


In the long term, cultivating Eutrapelia on a daily basis at work can lead to more engaged employees, better collaboration and higher levels of creativity

Indeed, integrating eutrapelia into the workplace tends to retain talent. Employees who benefit from a pleasant, balanced work environment are more likely to remain loyal to their company and invest in their own long-term development.


Eutrapelia offers a refreshing approach to work. Let it take over your life, and rely on it when you're feeling down, tired or worried. By doing so, you turn your mind away from preoccupations and reconnect with what is pure, peaceful and authentic...

Since eutrapelia has no more secrets for you, don't you think it's time to take it very, very seriously... and cultivate it at work! 😉 Are you ready to throw the confetti?! Go go go!


Elizabeth TOUCAS - Executive Strengths Coach & Career Manager - IÉSEG Network


For any requests you may have for personalized Executive Coaching or for information on the Career Development Services, please contact me: or +


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