One of the key assets for a business career is having a network. For this to happen, you need to maintain, develop, and use it regularly.

In this respect, everyone is responsible for making this pool of contacts a fabulous network of mutual assistance and solidarity. Do you want to forge "win-win" relationships to help you move forward? See below to find out how you can be part of the network.

Have there been any changes in your situation? Don't forget to update your profile (contact details, address, career)
Take part in events in Lille, Paris, in the international clubs or online
Make it known you are an IÉSEG Networker on your profile
Pay your subscription to IÉSEG Network
Advertise jobinternship, and apprenticeship offers
Become a representative of a professional, regional/international, or your class club
Tick the box in your profile: "Motivé(e) pour intervenir à l'IÉSEG" (lit. I'd like to get involved at IÉSEG)
Pay the apprenticeship tax to IÉSEG

We're counting on you!