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[NEWSLETTER] March 2023 - IES! #15: Women in the spotlight




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Tomorrow - Wednesday, March 8 - is the International Women's Rights Day. On the eve of this day, we are pleased to share with you the 15th issue of IÉS!, 100% dedicated to women. Through this issue, we carry loud and clear the values we believe in, instilled in each of our actions, such as inclusivity, respect for differences, whatever they may be, and the liberation of the professional world. In this edition, we invite you to discover seven inspiring women with different profiles, careers, and fields of activity.
Moreover, if you have some free time tomorrow during your lunch break, you can attend the webinar organized by IÉSEG "Inspiring women leaders" to inspire you even more...
Believe in your dreams, anything is possible!


Valentine d'Olce - A logical project leading to great opportunities

When Valentine (Grande École 2014) entered IÉSEG in her third year, she already had a good idea of her targeted career path. To reach her goal of working in purchasing, she precisely selected the relevant experiences to get there. Nowadays, Valentine is in a different position in which she thrives every day. Discover through her portrait how a career path was the source of new professional opportunities.


Moment Divin - A tasting cellar in the heart of the 15th arrondissement of Paris

IÉSEG leads to everything, including wine and spirits trading in a cellar with the promising name Moment Divin. Vincent Mouterde (Grande École 2020) chose this path and opened his own shop last April in Paris 15th arrondissement, rue Lecourb. In a few months, this place has become mythical for some IÉSEG graduates who enjoy meeting there through afterworks and œnology classes or looking for a good bottle for the evening. Portrait of a passionate graduate!


Discover or re-discover IÉSEG Insights!

IÉSEG Insights, it is the School's new website that brings together analysis, research, and perspectives from IÉSEG’s faculty. This platform for sharing the results of professors' research and expertise aims to provide keys to understanding an increasingly complex, volatile, and uncertain world, and to be a platform for inspiration and reflection. To be sure not to miss any new article, subscribe now to the next IÉSEG Insights newsletter.


Conference - Entrepreneurs with impact!

Are you interested in entrepreneurship? Join us at Euratechnologie on Tuesday, March 28, for the conference about "Entrepreneurs with Impact"! Organized by the IÉSEG Incubator and IÉSEG Network as part of the Entrepreneur's Prize, this conference will bring together Hubert Motte, founder of La Vie est Belt, Ophélie Vanbremeersch (MIB Student), founder of Zac, and Mathieu Toulemonde, founder of TerraTerre. The event will continue with the Awards Ceremony of the entrepreneurial prizes to the two finalists and a cocktail reception.


The Career Development Services: the ally of your professional success

Like a comet hurdling through the cosmos, managing your career in the twists and turns of the professional universe will require you to face challenges and overcome obstacles while staying focused on your goals. Becoming a shooting star in the universe is no easy task! To make the journey more comfortable for you, and like many other graduates have done before you, you can board a spaceship, the one for the IÉSEG Network Career Development Services, which is the best ally for your professional success! Are you ready to take off and aim for the moon? As Oscar Wilde would say: “Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.


The Bondy Cécifoot Club mandates IÉSEG CONSEIL Paris to finance its football pitch

To meet the needs of high-level athletes and become an official training center for the 2024 Paralympic Games, the Bondy Cécifoot Club (football association of five visually impaired) has commissioned IÉSEG CONSEIL Paris to finalize the financing for the construction of its blind football pitch. To raise the missing €200,000, an action plan targeting both individuals and corporates has been defined. You too can join this adventure in complete alignment with the School’s values.

Wednesday, March 8

[WEBINAR] Inspiring Women Leaders - Online

Friday, March 10

IÉSEG Network's Annual General Assembly - Online

Monday, March 13

[PGP ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT] Digital Marketing & CRM - Online

Tuesday, March 14


Tuesday, March 14

[CONFERENCE] Ethics and social responsibility at the heart of the digital revolution - Lille

Monday, March 20

[WORKSHOP] Over the peaks and the valleys... - Online

Tuesday, March 21

[PGP ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT] International Business Negotiation - Online

Tuesday, March 21

[NETWORKING EVENT] Afterwork @ Au Tour du Vin - Paris

Wednesday, March 22

[WORKSHOP] CAPE 361° Manage your career, special day young graduates - Paris

Wednesday, March 22

[CONFERENCE] The macroeconomic effects of climate change - Paris

Thursday, March 23

[WORKSHOP] 33 minutes to change the dynamics of your day! - Online

Thursday, March 23

[INTERNATIONAL CLUB] Laser Game Evolution Howald - Luxembourg

Monday, March 27

[WORKSHOP] Draw me a tree... - Online

Tuesday, March 28

[CONFERENCE] Impact entrepreneurs & Entrepreneur's Award Ceremony - Lille

Wednesday, March 29

[WORKSHOP] CAPE 361° Manage your career, special day young graduates - Lille

Thursday, March 30

[CONFERENCE] Managing neurodiversity: nuggets to shape! - Paris & online

Friday, March 31

[MODULES] Le Wagon: Develop your web skills April session - Online

Monday, April 3

[WORKSHOP] Clicks and keys - Online

Tuesday, April 4

[WORKSHOP] Dare to change - Paris

Thursday, April 6

[NETWORKING EVENT] Floral candle workshop with Studio Paupiette - Lille

Tuesday, April 18

[WORKSHOP] Discovery of Pecha Kucha™ - Online













Alumni Projects Officer



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