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[NEWSLETTER] September 2023 - Take part in the 2023 edition!




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Are you an entrepreneur? If so, this editorial is for you! September started a few days ago, and with it, the home stretch to send us your entries for the eighth edition of the Christmas Catalogue. In a nutshell, for those of you who don't already know, it's a catalog that showcases some of the IÉSEG community's entrepreneurs - graduates, students & staff - offering their products and services to the network in the spirit of Christmas. So, to benefit from this unique and free-of-charge visibility, fill in the form before Friday, September 15. If you have any questions, get in touch with Annalisa.


Grégoire de la Lande d'Olce - The importance of asking the right questions at the right time

Graduating in 2014, Grégoire (Grande École 2014) had the opportunity to see his end-of-study internship at Adecco materialize into a permanent contract. This first experience prompted him to ask questions about his career. After several discussions and meetings, he realized that, at this point of his career, consulting was the job that would suit him best. He changed direction and joined Deloitte in Paris. Today, he works as an Organizational Transformation Consultant for SIA Partners. It is a French firm founded in Paris and has just opened an office in Lille. Take the opportunity to discover the video portrait of Grégoire, whose benevolence is as much a part of his daily life as his professional career.


Complices - The connection between encounter and culture

Are you looking for someone to share an exhibition, theater, or movie with? Complices is a start-up that aims to revolutionize the market for dating apps and the promotion of cultural events. Born of the realization that there is a growing need for encounters and a progressive disaffection with cultural venues, Complices is the fruit of the collaboration between two visionary entrepreneurs, Jean-Philippe de Hauteclocque and Maxime Fernandez-Reiff (Grande École 2011). As a bridge between the real and the digital, Complices promotes the use of cultural venues by emphasizing their primary function as a social link, with the ultimate ambition of becoming a French leader in the online dating market.


Don't let your age hold you back in your career development

In an ever-changing professional environment, when you're approaching your fifties or have already settled in, it's essential to listen to your personal needs and aspirations to ensure continued, fulfilling growth. Changing career at 50 has become a challenge that more and more people in their fifties are taking up for a variety of reasons, ranging from the desire for personal fulfilment to the need to adapt to changes in the job market. From the age of 50 onwards, there are certain signs that it would be a good idea to realign your career path with your aspirations...


Meet us at the IÉSEG Alumni Forever party

Some of you may have received the paper invitation a few days ago. For others, you may have found out about this event via an email. Nevertheless, one thing is certain, the IÉSEG Network team is delighted to invite you to its next annual event on Thursday, October 5, at 7:30 pm. For this year's edition, the IÉSEG Alumni Forever party will happen at the Musée Grévin. The privatization of this legendary venue includes an exclusive tour! So what are you waiting for?


[Apprenticeship Tax] Last Chance to Support Your School

The deadline for allocating the balance of the apprenticeship tax has been changed to October 5. If your company has already paid this tax through the April 2023 DSN, and you have not yet allocated it, you have until October 5 to choose IÉSEG as the beneficiary of your balance. Please visit the Soltéa platform without delay to support your School in its ambitions and enable students to continue benefiting from excellent training. The balance of the apprenticeship tax is a crucial resource for the realization of our ambitious projects. More than ever, IÉSEG needs your support!


Building self-confidence through writing: workshop to write a positive letter to yourself

We all have questions that sometimes block us and prevent us from moving forward: difficulty reconciling your professional and personal life, the stress of not achieving your objectives, the impression that "others" are better at it... That's why the IÉSEG Lead.her Club offers you, on Thursday, September 28, 7 pm, an introspective writing workshop to help you put your doubts and emotions down on paper and gradually regain your self-confidence. This online workshop will be led, in French, by Sarah Lagarde-Gillot, author and co-founder of Écris-moi un souvenir, and Noémie Varlez (both Grande École 2017). The number of places is limited, so book yours quickly and take some time out for yourself, to write down your thoughts and congratulate yourself on how far you've come!

Thursday, September 7

[INTERNATIONAL CLUB] Get together @ La Schueb - Luxembourg

Friday, September 8

[NETWORKING] Lunch for EMBA's - Paris

Tuesday, September 12

[WEBINAR] Introduction to LinkedIn Learning - Online

Tuesday, September 12

[INTERNATIONAL CLUB] Afterwork @ Joy - Brussels

Thursday, September 14

[NETWORKING] Afterwork @ Moment Divin - Paris

Tuesday, September 19

[NETWORKING] Tour & tasting at the Bellevue farm - Sercus

Thursday, September 21

[REGIONAL CLUB] Cruise afterwork - Lyon

Tuesday, September 26

[WORKSHOP] Draw me a tree… - Online

Wednesday, September 27

[WORKSHOP] CAP 361° Manage your career, Special day for Young Graduate - Lille

Thursday, September 28

[IÉSEG LEAD.HER CLUB] Introspective writing workshop: "Building self-confidence through writing" - Online

Saturday, September 30

[BIRTHDAY'S CLASS] Grande École 1998: A quarter of a century is worth celebrating! - Lille

Saturday, September 30

[MODULES] Le Wagon: Develop your web skills October session - Online

Saturday, September 30

[LIFELONG LEARNING] Get your LinkedIn Learning license - Online

Monday, October 2

[WORKSHOP] Over the peaks and the valleys... - Online

Tuesday, October 3

[WORKSHOP] CAP 361° Manage your career, Special day for Young Graduate - Paris

Thursday, October 5

[IÉSEG ALUMNI FOREVER] Grévin Museum: Enter the world of your dream stars! - Paris

Tuesday, October 10

[WORKSHOP] Discovering the Pecha Kucha™ - Online

Saturday, October 14

[ANNIVERSARY] IÉSEG 2003: 20 years already! - Bondues

Wednesday, October 18

[WORKSHOP] Would you like to plan your "job-out"? - Paris

Thursday, October 19

[ANNIVERSARY] Let's celebrate the 10 years of Master in Fashion Management (MFM) - Paris

Wednesday, November 29

[WORKSHOP] Would you like to plan your "job-out"? - Lille

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