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Graduates: what does the network bring you?

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Whether you’re a young graduate or an experienced alumni, your network and your school will be present all along your career and life. Be active within the community and enjoy the services provided.

Organize afterworks with your promotion, find other graduates, meet and mentor new students, share your experiences, seize professional opportunities, find associates or future employees… Possibilities are endless!

As alumni, you can share job offers with the rest of the network and recruit among fellow graduates, and also apply online. In order to maximize your chances to find your dream job and increase your visibility, keep your profile up-to-date.

Being part of the network also allows you to animate and attend events close to you. You’ll receive invitations to professional and career events to help you define your career path and even find a job: shows, conferences, job-datings… You’ll also access more casual events that’ll allow you to network: afterworks, meetups, promotion anniversaries…

Last but not least, you can also share your experience and be showcased on the network: introduce the community to your work, your company or your sector of activity… Students and other graduates would be glad to hear about your advice and experiences.

Make the network grow, find new career opportunities and maintain the link with your former school and classmates: here’s what’s waiting for you on your alumni network! Make the most of it!


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