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IÉS ! #18: Why are our graduates so excited about the 2024 Olympics?

IÉS! Magazine



The Olympic Spirit: At the Heart of edition IÉS #18

In 2024, the Paris Olympic Games are not just a global sporting event but an inexhaustible source of inspiration that deeply resonates with the values of IÉSEG. Commitment, perseverance, and an unbreakable sense of community - these are what drive the athletes and each of us.

In this edition of IÉS!, we dive into the heart of the action, offering a unique perspective on the challenges, triumphs, and human stories behind the medals. Our graduates, engaged in this grand celebration of sport, share their experiences, aspirations, and how this event is transforming their view of sport and performance.

We invite you to discover these exciting stories, which we hope will inspire you, move you, and perhaps even encourage you to push your own boundaries. Join us in celebrating excellence, friendship, and respect, which are at the heart of the Olympic Games and our IÉSEG community.

Happy reading... and may the Olympic spirit be with you!


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