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[NEWSLETTER] July / August 2019 - Happy holidays!





July - August 2019

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And then there were 4!

We bet you weren’t expecting a new issue of IÉS! in June. Don’t be too surprised, IÉSEG Network has finally increased from three issues a year. And that has to be good news!
Taking CSR as its theme, this issue talks to alumni who will make you want to get involved. There’s also all the usual news from the School and the latest reports from your network. You can read about a day in the life of Guillaume Fourdinier (IÉSEG 2010), founder of Agricool, take a stroll around Stockholm with Stalin Sathitharan Veerakumar (MIB 2012) or learn all about Promis Juré ice cream, launched by Baptiste Deleplanque (IÉSEG 2013).

So don’t wait a moment longer - get clicking…

Christmas? But it’s only July…

It may sound a bit strange to be talking about the IÉSEG Entrepreneurs Christmas Catalogue while most of us are focused on our summer holidays, but now is the time to start thinking about it. A new feature this year is that in addition to the digital version, the catalogue will be printed and sent out in early November to subscribers in France and neighbouring countries. If you are an entrepreneur with a concept that would make an excellent Christmas gift, find out what details you need to provide to be included in the Christmas catalogue and send them to Annalisa La Monaca by August 30.

There’s more information here!

[PORTRAIT] Sarah Gillot (IÉSEG 2017) - IÉSEG, springboard for independance

In 2011, Sarah chose IÉSEG and join its campus in Lille. She will divide her two first years between her courses, her commitment to several students associations, the discovery of independance but what matters most to her is the meeting with other IÉSEG who will become her best friends. During her third year, she chose Kazakhstan for her first exchange. Back in Lille for her master, she leaved only after a few months for a second exchange in Poland.
Today, she's currently working in Germany as Head of international marketing for Makerist, a company of creative leisures activities.

Discover her video portrait in French

[IÉSEG] Results of the 2019 survey of young graduates

In 2019, IÉSEG took part in the annual survey led by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) relating to the recruitment of young graduates from the French Grandes Écoles. Discover some of the key figures concerning graduates from IÉSEG’s Grande École (GE) Master in management program (the survey was conducted in the first months of the year with graduates from the 2018 promotion of the GE program). Discover the employment rates of our young IÉSEG alumni!

Read more

[CAREER] KEEP CALM, it’s nearly the holidays

We all look forward to the holidays. It’s a time to unwind, play some sport, relax in a deckchair and do nothing, get closer to nature or whatever floats your boat … but to really make the most of your break, to fully relax and ensure that your well-earned rest is not blighted by stress, it’s important to plan your absence from work before you leave … In short, it means planning your departure from work as carefully as you plan your holiday getaway ...

You get the idea? This is the way to do it…

[FOCUS ENTREPRENEUR] Merci Gustave, providing the link between internet shopping and a trying-on-at-home service

We take a look at a start-up that offers customers an innovative way to shop online with an eco-responsible solution for trying things on at home. Merci Gustave is a project launched a year ago by Clara Foache (IÉSEG 2017) and Thomas Bonnenfant. Newly-graduated from business school, they started work and quickly came up against a problem they hadn’t encountered before - with all their time taken up working, travelling backwards and forwards to the office and socialising, there was simply no time to update their wardrobes with clothes for their new lifestyle. Their solution was Merci Gustave!

Read more


VICTOIRE April 8, 2019 - Mathilde & Wandrille MORIN (IÉSEG 2012)

OCTAVE May 1st, 2019 - Constance (IÉSEG 2009) & Pierre-Yves MENAGER 

THAÏS July 7, 2019 - Alix DE LA BASTIDE (IÉSEG 2008) & Anthony DUNAS

Share with the network your wedding or a birth in your family and you will receive a gift!


Alumni Projects Officer


Career Manager & Executive Coach




Alumni Projects Officer


IÉSEG 2008

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A powerful network with almost 9000 alumni

- Nearly 3000 alumni & students involved in the IÉSEG Network activities during the past year

- Friendly events organized all year long

- Assistance for your career management

- More to discover on


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