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Will you become the 2025 IÉSEG Entrepreneur?




Will you become the 2025 IÉSEG Entrepreneur?  

IÉSEG Network and the IÉSEG Incubator invite you to participate in the 2025 IÉSEG Entrepreneur Contest. Open to the entire IÉSEG community (students, graduates & staff), this contest will reward two entrepreneurs of the network, on Thursday, March 27, 2025. You have recently launched your company (less than five years ago) and at least one of the founding members is an IÉSEG? You can participate!
It is straightforward, you just have to send your Pitch Deck before Friday, February 14, 11:55 pm.

Pitch Deck (max 20 slides), in French or English, must include at least the following information:

- The team
- The legal information
- The supply & added value of your product/service
- The benchmark
- The business model
- The production & marketing process
- The state of progress
- The financial tables & financing requirement
- The KPI's
- The roadmap for the months ahead
- How will the contest help you?
- A video pitch of 2 minutes (new!)

Please name the file with the company name and send it in PDF format

Contest’s steps:

1. Entrepreneurial experts review your application from mid-February to mid-March
2. Shortlisted entrepreneurs pitch to the board consisting of entrepreneurs, business angels and incubator partners on Thursday, March 27
3. The Awards Ceremony will take place on Thursday, March 27, 2025, in Lille.
The six finalists commit to be present for the day in Lille.

The awards:

- The 2025 IÉSEG entrepreneur award of 8,000€, granted by IÉSEG & IÉSEG Network.
- The jury’s favorite award of 2,000€, granted by IÉSEG Network.

If you have any questions, please contact the IÉSEG incubator -

Good luck!

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