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[NEWSLETTER] July & August 2018 - Happy holidays!




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July & August 2018

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Back to the IÉSEG Alumni Forever evening

It was THE not-to-be-missed evening! There was no lack of the usual relaxed and friendly atmosphere on the Port de l’Arsenal on June 22nd. We enjoyed a memorable moment in the guinguette-atmosphered verdant setting of the banks of the Seine. We were able to fully enjoy the beautiful privately booked terrace to savour Spritz and Mojitos on the sun loungers of the Grand Bleu. During the evening, Nicolas MESSIO, President of IÉSEG Network, presented a check for 40,000 € to the IÉSEG Foundation on behalf of the Alumni Association to help deserving students pay for their studies. Graduates fired up the dancefloor and we left with the promise to meet again next year for the IÉSEG Alumni Forever 2019!

Check out the photos

Being a IÉSEG Networker: whassat?

You've probably already heard about the IÉSEG Networker label... But do you know what it is? It's actually about better orchestrating the networking process. In concrete terms, it's only a small box to check on your profile and a search field in the online graduates’ directory. This means you volunteer to become a preferred contact regarding your function, your sector, your company in order to exchange from professional to professional with other IÉSEG members, students or graduates. In short, people from the network may contact you for ideas, advice... And in turn, you may contact IÉSEG Networkers in a privileged way to network!
Remember that making contact will be much easier if your contact information is up to date.

Become IÉSEG Networker

[PORTRAIT] Alban Masse (IÉSEG 2010) – Captivated by an incomparable chocolate fondant

Graduated in 2010, Alban Masse joined IÉSEG for its strong development dynamic. After studying Finance in 2nd year, he decided to change course and chose to specialise in marketing. After many and varied experiences, he now works as Managing Director for the company Le Fondant Baulois, which creates top quality artisan pastries.

Discover his portrait

[IÉSEG] Take part in IÉSEG's Professional Advisory Boards!

In 2005, IÉSEG launched its PABs, Professional Advisory Boards. Consisting of panels of professionals, these groups aim at defining what skills are expected from a recent graduate, while allowing each professional to share his or her vision of future trends. This sharing and exchange experience also acts as a preferred way to obtain advice on school programmes, both in terms of course structure and content. The objective is to provide students with a training equally adapted to the labour market and to the companies which will recruit future IÉSEG graduates. If you would like to participate in a PAB, please contact us for more information.

Discover IÉSEG's PAB in video

[CAREER] Summer coming sun

No idea where to start so that your holidays feel professionally productive? IÉSEG Network Career Centre has thought of you in putting together a Summertime Relaxing & Dynamic challenge, a much easier achievement than summer magazines ab strengthening workouts...


[ENTREPRENEUR FOCUS] Anne-Laure Guilbaud (IÉSEG 2010) - From ROI to collaborative economy

What drives Anne-Laure Gahinet Guilbaud is her intuition, which she follows without hesitation. Because she works according to her convictions and commitments, the young woman goes all out on each new project. This is her strength, since she moves mountains and doesn't let herself be bothered with "maybes". It is also her weakness: being emotionally and professionally involved is challenging. Living her passion while remaining rational. This is what 2018 taught the co-founder of La Colloc, an innovative 1400 m² third place located in Lorient.

Do you want to know more about La Colloc?



VICTOR April 20, 2018 - Clotilde BURIEZ (IÉSEG 2009) & Ludovic CLERC

BAPTISTE May 3, 2018 - Laurene GUISOLPHE (IÉSEG 2008) & Alexandre PAQUET

VALENTINE May 27, 2018 - Stéphanie ELLARD (IESEG 2007) & Jérôme GUIMARD

ALEXIS June 1st, 2018 - Lucie LESAFFRE (IÉSEG 2009) & François DEVOSSEL


VICTOR July 2, 2018 - Juliette RICHARD (IÉSEG 2009) & Arnaud VEYRAT


Lola BIDET (IÉSEG 2016) & Edouard MAILLET(IÉSEG 2013) - June 8, 2018

Share with the network your wedding or a birth in your family and you will receive a gift!








Alumni Projects Officer



Career Consultant & Coach



Career Manager & Executive Coach



Alumni Projects Officer



IÉSEG 2008


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A powerful network with more than 7000 Alumni

- Nearly 3000 alumni & students involved in the IÉSEG Network activities during the past year

- Friendly events organized all year long

- Assistance for your career management

- More to discover on


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